we got back from our camping trip yesterday and we are now settling back in. the laundry is almost done. i have to take the sleeping bag to the laundromat and then thats it. is it a bad sign when flies are attracted to your pile of dirty laundry? i dumped out all of the dirty laundry on the patio because it was soo stinky and flies came to enjoy the stink. anyway, here is a recap of the trip.
saturday morning we drove to Washington DC to spend some time with Tom and Rachel. They are both getting stationed overseas in germany soon and we havent seen them in forever. we went to the international spy museum. it was pretty cool, but huge. we were late for our dinner at Medieval Times in Baltimore. they let us switch out tickets to the later show, which worked out fine. after dinner, we drove up to Aunt Chris' house for the night. its a good thing they dont eat much because i filled up the fridge with all of out stuff from the cooler. bad news was that i forgot the lunch meat and butter.
sunday morning we drove up to the Poconos to go camping. we got our tent sent up just in time for the big huge thunderstorm. we were stuck in the tent for almost two hours while it rained and alot got in the tent because we didnt stake down the rain fly. we ended up sitting on a huge puddle. so after the rain stopped, mostly, we moved the tent and everything was fine, really damp, but fine.
Monday we did some hiking. ~5 miles worth. we saw lots of waterfalls and bubbling streams. it was alot of fun.
Tuesday we went to the beach and while asia and i took a nap, mike and anya went hiking again.
Wednesday we hiked a 3.5 mile trail, each way, to see Boulder Field. it is a bunch of big huge boulders with pine trees lining the sides. very weird. that was a long day because the trail was really bumpy and asia didnt want to walk that much.
thursday we went to the beach again and while i tried to get asia to nap, mike and anya went fishing.
friday we packed up out stinky stuff and headed home.
thats a pretty quick recap of the week. i have tons of photos to post but give me a little time first.