friday after school and work, mike googled and found a place similar to our old favorite X-bos. This place is called The Magic Castle. they have an indoor "soft play" area and games to win tickets. they also have medieval themed putt-putt golf. the girls played in the soft play area until they were tired out. once we were home, i made pancit and we rode our bikes to a park and had a picnic dinner. anya barely made it up that last hill.
saturday, we, the girls, participated in a fun run. Anya and Asia both got medals for completing a kiddie run (they finished in under 6 minutes so i am guessing it was about 1/4 mile). Asia ran the whole time except at the turn around. anya jogged a bit and then waited for asia and then jogged a bit and then waited for asia. someone got a cute picture of them a the finish line holding hands. we were very bad about remembering the camera this weekend. i did the 5K race and finished with a 29:15. i never knew ohio was hilly until then. asia said on the way home that she is going to keep running races so she can win more and more and more medals.

sunday we spent some time a the garlic festival. mike and i agreed that it would have been more fun if we hadnt eaten lunch first. the girls got to make slime, which was a big hit! we also went on a very bumpy hayride.
all in all, it was a fun and busy weekend. sorry there are no pics to go with all of the exciting events =(