Friday, March 13, 2009

busy as a bee...

I know, i know. it has been a looooooooooong time since i last posted. oops, sorry. I have been swamped with stuff. i picked up a few projects at Anya's school. i am in charge of collecting and counting box tops. those were due at the end of Feb. this time we turned in nearly 6000 box tops! and I counted them all =) now that that deadline has passed, i can focus on my next major project. the yearbook. Mike swears that i said i would never do it again, but here we are, less than two weeks away from having it finished. the program i use has a little counter of how many days until it is due. i am down to 10 and there is still so much to do! it will get done one way or another. =) we have also been busy with Anya's girl scout cookie sales. we need to have the money turned in this weekend. thank goodness, i am tired of looking at cookies. last weekend we had a nice (but long) trip to Michigan to deliver cookies to relatives. it was fun, but way too short for the amount of driving we did. it seemed like every 30 minutes someone had to pee and it was an emergency. but we did find a good barbeque place in Tipp City (right next to the Spring Hill Nursery Outlet). very yummy!

i probably wont post again until after the yearbook is turned in. Anya's grade is putting on a musical on Tuesday the 24th. so i will definitely post pics from that! she is very excited and has been practicing her songs and lines every day. she gets to be a rose. how cute! =)

Asia is doing well too. she really enjoys school right now and also pretending she is either a lion (Aslan) or a tiger (Tigress from Kungfu Panda). Mike even did her face with face paint markers to look like some sort of cat. she said she was going to scare everyone, but all the people we saw said how cute she was. after i got most of it washed off, people kept asking if she had gotten into the makeup. silly.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for bringing the cookies! I started a diet though so I have to give them all away now. :( Or just save them for two weeks until i quit it ...

am said...

Brandon is on a diet? How will we ever see new recipes?

Anyway, I want to see pictures of Anya in that musical from tonight as well as Asia wither her face painted with markers:) Please post them soon!