Monday, October 22, 2007

I caught that bugger....

Sorry its been so long since the last post. Anya went on a field trip on the 19th to a ranch. they did pony rides, hay rides, a corn maze and at the end they each picked out a little pumpkin to take home. She was very excited to go on her first field trip and i think she had a good time. Anyhoo, she put her pumpkin on the front porch to be festive and two days later we found nibble marks on it. one day we came home from shopping and we saw the little bugger eating away at anya's pumpkin. it was a squirell. it took me a couple days to get a picture of him in action, but i got it.


Anonymous said...

Anya, I think the squirell should thank you for sharing your pumpkin with him. Your mom got a very cute picture of him.

Anonymous said...

These pictures was the hit of my office! Too cute.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous above was Aunt Chris again. I guess I should get a google account.