Friday, January 18, 2008

shaping up to be a handful

Wednesday was an eventful day with Asia. after we took anya to school asia said she wanted to take a shower with me so i was getting stuff ready in the bathroom when asia came in a said she needed help taking her shirt off. actually the reason was that she had tried to cut a dirty spot out of the shirt with scissors. oops. when i told her i had to throw it away she was very upset, so instead i patched it up.

an hour later, we were at playing and she wanted to call me on the phone. so i dialed my number and went into the laundry room. she didnt actually talk to me and pushed some other buttons. i told her to hang up the phone and we went around doing other stuff. moments later the phone rang and asia reluctently gave me the phone. imagine my surprise when it was the delaware state police asking if we were ok because someone just called 911. i said no, i was just my daughter playing with the phone. the guy asked how old she was and i told him 2. that was the end of it. i dont think we are going to be reading them that 911 book anymore.

needless to say i wasnt quite up for cooking dinner that night, we went out for chinese buffet instead. =)

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