Monday, February 4, 2008

Anya's Firtst Tooth!!

So, it happened. yesterday, I pulled out anya's first baby tooth. it was barely hanging in there and her gums were starting to look sore so we made a command decision. i have to tell you that embroidery floss works better than dental floss for tooth pulling. Anya wasnt upset with the whole situation until she kept spitting out blood. it took a bit for it to stop. now she walks around with her tooth in a tooth necklace. i left a note for the tooth fairy to keep anya's first tooth and when i woke up it was next to my bed. =) this was a big step in parenthood i think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How nice of the tooth fairy to leave Anya's first tooth! Did Anya get to use her pillow?? Did you notice that it's been a week since you posted any pictures?????