Friday, June 8, 2007

a little time to myself

Anya is out with Liza Jane at her dress rehersal for her dance recital tomorrow and the babe is sleeping. that means mommy gets some time to do other stuff. i have taken down all of the winter extras (gloves, hats, etc.) and moved all of Asia's shoes into the basket so they are easier for her to get. by the way, asia acquired a slightly new pair of black dress shoes that she insists on wearing everywhere, even in the house. she was quite mad when we made her take them off to eat lunch and nap. i will get a picture shortly.

i also finished my clover project. i wanted to save the clovers that mike, liza jane, and i found. i found a thing to put pictures in that is sort of a hard laminate. you can see in the picture.

i finished the going away presents for liza jane and her brother duncan. we made liza jane a photo album and had a bunch of pictures printed out. anya picked out the buttons to decorate it. we also made her and duncan tote bags with stuff to do in the car. they are leaving tomorrow after her recital. its sad, anya's first best friend is leaving. i think this will be happening alot due to our life style, but that doesnt make it any easier.

one project that is being held up by procrastination is the switching of winter to summer clothes in the dressers. i have their rooms covered in clothes because i keep starting and then getting side tracked. my goal is to have it done before our trip back to michigan.

off to do more projects...

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