Tuesday, June 26, 2007

we are preparing for a long trip

Most of you all know that we are flying to michigan for Eric's wedding and Tom and Katie's baby shower. but did you also know how much work it is to leave for a week and a half over the 4th of july. see, the big dilema is what to do with the dog, cat and fish. Most of the people we know are going to be gone on vacation so i couldnt ask anyone to take honey in while we are gone. leaving her in the kennel would be close to $200. so, she is flying home. i am going to pick up her sedatives today. we do have someone to come by and feed the cat and fish. i just hope she can water the garden too because it is growing well.

the morning glories have buds on them and the two pepper plants have teeny tiny peppers growing (even though they dont get any light because all of the other plants dwarf them) the tomatoes are flourishing and the bachleors buttons are blooming quite nicely ( we have 4 different shades of color) sadly, the cosmos are still just green.

gotta run, i will post more before we leave.

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