Monday, March 23, 2009

there's a bun in the oven

We are baking again. This bun should be done around Oct. 13th +/- a week. =) i am hoping for 9-29-09. No, we are not going to find out the sex and no we are not going to tell anyone the names we pick.

we havent told anya and asia yet. i think they will be excited, but i dont think they can wait 29 more weeks. i think we may wait until i am actually showing and anya starts asking questions before we tell them.

since our house is only 3 bedrooms and most of our stuff is still in the garage anyway, we are going to try to move into a 4 bedroom house sometime before bun pops out. (or gets cut out, however you want to look at it). hint, hint, if anyone is interested in helping us move since we will be doing it ourselves.

i will keep everyone posted and put pictures up as soon as we have one that actually looks like a baby. i brought home an ultrasound pic from around 6 weeks and mike said it looked like a blob. i guess he was right, but still. =)


Allison said...


I'm hoping for October 3rd!! (That's my birthday!!!) Lol.

I'm sure Brandon and I will be able to help you guys move; I'll only be going to school one day a week in the summer. :)

Hope all is well!

Jasmine said...

We're so excited for you guys, and for our kids to have a close cousin!

Eric and Jasmine

am said...

Congratulations, Amanda and Mike! I hope you have an easy pregnancy. I am so excited I just happened to look at your blog tonight and get the news:). I am avoiding everything else I need to do before I can sleep tonight.
